Lightweight, High-build Concrete Repair Mortar with Corrosion Inhibitor
Sika MonoTop®-352 NFG is a 1-component, polymer modified, fibre reinforced, low shrinkage light weight repair mortar with corrosion inhibitor meeting the requirement of class R3 of EN 1504-3.
- Repair of spalling and damaged concrete in buildings, bridges, infrastructure and superstructure works
- Suitable for restoration work (Principle 3, method 3.1 & 3.3 of EN 1504-9)
- Suitable for structural strengthening (principle 4, method 4.4 of EN 1504-9) Increasing the bearing capacity of the concrete structure by adding mortar
- Suitable for preserving or restoring passivity (principle 7, method 7.1 and 7.2 of EN 1504-9). Increasing cover with additional mortar and replacing contaminated or carbonated concrete
- Suitable for use as a repair mortar prior to application of Sikagard 62 and 63N
- Polymer modified for increased durability
- Easy to apply and superior finishing
- Suitable for hand and machine application
- High Build can be applied up to 75 mm thick per application layer
- Class R3 of EN 1504-3
- Low density but still suitable for structural repair
- Sulphate resistant
- Very low shrinkage
- Does not require a bonding primer even when manually applied
- Contains corrosion inhibitor
- Low permeability