High-strength Flowable Class-C Precision Grout
SikaGrout-212 HP is a cementitious, non-shrink, high performance grout that expands in two stages in both the plastic and hardened states (class A and C) to counteract the shrinkage normally associated with cement grouts. Designed for applications from 10mm to 100mm.
SikaGrout 212HP is used for flowable grouting applications. Typical applications may include:- Machine baseplates
- Anchor bolts
- Bridge bearing pads and shear key grouting
- Pre-cast concrete sections
- Cavities, gaps and recesses
- High performance grouting
Characteristics and advantages include:- Shrinkage compensating properties, classed as a non-shrink grout as per CRD-C 621-81
- High early strengths
- High 28 day strengths
- Flowable consistency
- Adjustable consistency
- Formulated to not segregate or bleed
- Excellent impact and thermal resistance
- Non corrosive to steel or iron
- Lab tested in accordance with AS 1478